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Events Info

Command Input

The input is a date in YYYY-MM-DD format, for example 2022-06-20

When nothing has been input yet, the following criteria will be applied as default (in order):

  • if some text is selected AND that text matches the format above, use that as default
  • if the filename matches the format, use that as default. this is useful in conjunction with daily notes that have a format of "YYYY-MM-DD"
  • if neither of the above two match, use today as a default


Default Template

### {{summary}}

* {{start}}  - [Link]({{link}})
* organizer {{organizer}}
* {{attendees}}

The content above will be inserted for a selected event. To customize, create a new template in a file and reference that file in the plugin settings.

Template Fields

Fields are variables enclosed in {{ }} and will be replaced when the content is generated.

Field Description
start The event start time
summary Event title
description Event description
link This will produce a link to the Google calendar event. Useful to reference attachment in the event or other event info
organizer The email of the event organizer
attendees Email(s) of all attendees, joined by ,. If the attendee had declined the event, a (x) will appear near their email. A tentative response will have a (?) appended Similar to attendees but will replace the email with the name of the attendee. If the name is not available for an attendee, the email is returned instead.
source will return the google account from where this event was fetched
json returns the entire event object as JSON. this is useful when used with other templating plugins. see example.

Customizing Template

You can create your own template in a file, and include a link to that file in Settings for Event Template. For example, you can create a note in _assets/templates/ called t_event and then provide the path _assets/templates/t_event in Settings


The plugin will only query the primary calendar of the logged in user.